Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Tomorrow will mark 1 more month left in Venezuela. Que locura vale. I am mostly just really, really sad and nervous about leaving.

Most of my blogs have involved me bitching in some way or another, but I really have come to love Maturin and being a professor at UPEL.

Here is a list of the things I will really, really miss.
-Arriving at school every day and seeing my favorite students
-Getting street food of any kind, especially hamburgers and hot dogs.
- Going out at the Bodegon- a licor store that turns into a dance party after 11. It is located at a gas station. Every time I have been there has been magical.
-Getting to play truco... a  veryyy Venezuelan card game
-Getting home late at night to Senora Carmen watching TV in the spare bedroom, thinking she is sleeping, and all of the sudden hearing her greet me and show me a small smile from the corner of her lips that she does so well letting me know that she really does like me.
-Driving around with Fabi and singing along to Reggaeton
-The greeting Senor Juan give me EVERY TIME I come home, as if it has been years since we have seen each other.
-The ridiculous tardiness... ok, I will not really miss this, but rather the ridiculousness of the fact that people don't have a problem showing up two hours late to something
-The laidbackness (is that a word?) I am super uptight, type-A, always wanting to do things well and on time. There just isn't that standard here, and I have learned to embrace it
- Hanging out with people and talking about life in Venezuela or just things we have in common
- When my students enjoy a lesson and seem to understand it

Hmm... more to come later. I have quite a bit of flojera.

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